Romantic Valentine’s Day On a Budget *

This past week has been a ROLLER COASTER… If you’re friends with me on Insta, I’ve already shared the news… if you’re not, well, you should be. Just kidding (sort of), but life’s been a little on the hectic side because Trav and I spontaneously last weekend decided we are moving. That’s right, we are selling our house and hunting for a new one more into the city… Ever since we left Dallas proper to our little starter home in the burbs, we’ve talked about how we can’t wait to head back south into the city… and we are finally doing it.

This is our first time selling AND buying a home, so the learning curve has been real. With both our current home getting sold and a new home being found up in the air, it kind of also feels like double the stress of what I remember last time we did this but yunno, just comes with the adulting territory I guess.

All that to be said, Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and with all the big moves we are making (literally), we are pulling in the reins a bit on our fun money… I refuse, however, to pull in the reins on the FUN. SO, we decided to get creative on a romantic night-in and had SO much fun doing it. Here are a few ideas if you’re trying to save some cash on Valentine’s Day but still have an amazing time!!

Do a Cooking Class… At Home!

Technology saves the day, once again. Now you don’t even have to drop any coins to have a cooking class experience with your babe. Thanks to YouTube you can actually just search for cooking class videos on how to cook anything. We got a kick out of the Gordon Ramsey Channel, because, I mean, you can’t go wrong with a Master Chef with a bomb accent. Plus, if the meal doesn’t go as planned, you can always order in, which makes for a fun story later!

Be Fancy & Get Your Mixologist On

Don’t stop at the fancy meal. Get fancy with your drinks too. While you can never go wrong with a good bottle of wine, it’s just fun to get out the fancy bar ware and a fancy liqueur and make a fancy concoction. My go-to cocktail when I feel like being a little mixologist is a cocktail I like to call… Love Potion (you can call me Cupid). I shared the recipe for you here!

Channel Your Inner Child Together

Now, I completely realize how silly this sounds, but I’m telling you, don’t knock it till you try it! With all the hardcore adulting going on, I cannot express to you how freaking FUN it was to build a giant adult fort in our living room. Like legit, the best time. It allowed us to get creative together, use our imagination, and kind of escape from our super serious adult life for a bit. Plus now, if we can’t find a perfect house, at least we know we can live in a fort together and be fine (lol).

What are your favorite date-nights to do when your watching your budget? Share your cute and inexpensive date-night ideas in the comments below, follow me and @EnjoyMintKitchen on Insta, and I’m going to pick one of you to gift a $20 gift card to my favorite, quick and delish Thai spot, EnjoyMint Richardson! Make sure to leave your Insta handle in your comment too so that I can tag you when I announce the winner on February 10th! Can’t wait to read your comments!
