This past week has been a ROLLER COASTER… If you’re friends with me on Insta, I’ve already shared the news… if you’re not, well, you should be. Just kidding (sort [...]
Anyone who knows me would know that I love to entertain. I think I got it from my parents. There’s just something so special about hosting people and making memories [...]
Hey babes! I hope you are finishing up the first month of 2019 strong! Trav and I have been super busy hitting our goals and making moves. He’s been kicking [...]
Here we are, three weeks into the New Year, and more than likely (hopefully) still holding firm to our New Year Resolutions. If you’re anything like me, getting my fit [...]
This is hands-down my most vulnerable post ever, but I am passionate about keeping it real and know intuitively that this story will resonate with every couple at one point [...]
Well, here we are… it’s 3 days until Christmas and I haven’t finished my shopping. Every year I find myself in this position, and every year I tell myself, “I’m [...]
In celebration of turning 28 today, I’ve been reflecting on what these past 28 years have taught me. If I could go back in time and give myself some words [...]
Yesterday I attended the Create Cultivate Vision Summit in Miami with eWomenNetwork and it did not disappoint. For a content creator, the amount of photograph-able moments were a dream and [...]
This year my honey and I headed to Cozumel for his biggest race the year. If you didn’t already know, my man is a triathlete, and a damn good one [...]
The world really does work in the most mysterious of ways. I never in a million years thought that I’d be called to start a personal blog. Actually, I never [...]